Entsorga Italia, S.p.A. is located in Tortona, Italy. The company was founded in 1997 to develop new technologies that could be inserted into the MSW industrial processing/disposal chain to reduce landfill waste deposits and pollution related to MSW related emissions. Since its founding, Enstorga Italia has designed and supervised the deployment of over 70 projects involving compositing of i) organic food and biological waste, ii) the mechanical biological treatment (“MBT”) of MSW and iii) the production of solid recovered fuel (“SRF”).
Enstorga Italia has licensed its technology and will provide technical support to Entsorga WV’s Martinsburg plant. Its founder will also serve as a managing member of Entsorga WV.
For more information about Entsorga Italia please visit www.entsorga.it/
Apple Valley Waste Service, Inc. (“AVW”), a portfolio company of Summer Street Capital Partners (“Summer Street”), operates waste collection businesses in the panhandle counties of West Virginia, northwest Maryland and south central Pennsylvania. The CEO and Chairman of AVW has extensive experience in the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States MSW industry. The Chairman previously founded and grew Interstate Waste Services before its successful sale.
The management team of AVW will serve as managing members of Entsorga WV responsible for the daily operation and financial affairs. AVW will also supply the venture with MSW feedstock.
For more information about Apple Valley Waste Service please visit www.applevalleywaste.com